What an unforgettable night with 'The Little Mermen' a Disney Tribute band live at The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center! 🎶🌟
We had a great time at this incredible rock concert, a perfect holiday treat! We were so fortunate to take our daughters to share the magic in our local community! Not only was it a night filled with enchanting Disney tunes and high-energy performances, but it was also a Friend-Raiser, supporting Arts Education in Flagler Schools of Flagler County.
We're thrilled to be supporting The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center in this cause, contributing to the arts, and looking forward to more inspiring entertainment for our youth in Flagler County! ✨🎤
Bravo to The Little Mermen and The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center!
Be sure to visit The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center at www.FlaglerEntertainment.com to check out their Season Shows and don't forget to subscribe to their Newsletter to be the first to know about their shows and discounts!